So long 2021, hello 2022!
Moschino Jungle Red
Burlesque star Miss Miranda is featured in Jeremy Scott’s Moschino fashion film masterpiece ‘Jungle Red’ alongside fashion royalty including Winnie Harlow, Amber Valetta, Karen Elson, Lily Aldridge, Precious Lee, Miranda Kerr, Dita Von Teese, Maye Musk and many more!
Thanksgiving 2020...
2020. What a year.
You may know that I am British, born and raised in London and moved the the US five years ago. My grandma on my mother’s side was born in New York State, and moved to London in the 40s to raise her family.
My family celebrated thanksgiving to mark my grandma’s American heritage, and opened it up to extended family and American expats we knew in London.
This year in particular, many of us are thinking about the horrendous history behind this holiday.
Having chosen to move my life to the USA to pursue my dreams I have such mixed feelings at the moment. My grandma was so happy to see me become an immigrant here in the US the way she was in the UK, but passed away during the Obama administration and never had to witness what recent years have brought to this country.
Though I don’t feel the tradition of thanksgiving should make anyone proud to be an American, I do feel that taking time to recognize what we are grateful for is something that’s even more important this year than ever.
Despite all that’s happening in the world, I am grateful to have been able to immigrate to this country and pursue my career in a way that wasn’t possible in my home country. I am grateful for all the incredible people I have met and collaborated with. I am grateful to have met my soulmate and built a life with him. I am grateful for all of my loved ones all over the world who enrich my life, friends I haven’t seen in years but who I hold in my heart.
Though not being able to perform has been soul destroying, I’m also grateful for the time this year has opened up for me to learn about the racial and social injustices in this country and the world, listen to the experiences of people different from myself and work towards being a better ally to all those who are oppressed.
Hardship can bring compassion if we let it, so I am grateful for that too.
Sending love to everyone today, and hoping you can share your love with your nearest and dearest, even if it’s not in person. 💗You may know that I am British, born and raised in London and moved the the US five years ago. My grandma on my mother’s side was born in New York State, and moved to London in the 40s to raise her family.
My family celebrated thanksgiving to mark my grandma’s American heritage, and opened it up to extended family and American expats we knew in London.
This year in particular, many of us are thinking about the horrendous history behind this holiday.
Having chosen to move my life to this country to pursue my dreams I have such mixed feelings at the moment. My grandma was so happy to see me become an immigrant here in the US the way she was in the UK, but passed away during the Obama administration and never had to witness what recent years have brought to this country.
Though I don’t feel the tradition of thanksgiving should make anyone proud to be an American, I do feel that taking time to recognize what we are grateful for is something that’s even more important this year than ever.
Despite all that’s happening in the world, I am grateful to have been able to immigrate to this country and pursue my career in a way that wasn’t possible in my home country. I am grateful for all the incredible people I have met and collaborated with. I am grateful to have met my soulmate and built a life with him. I am grateful for all of my loved ones all over the world who enrich my life, friends I haven’t seen in years but who I hold in my heart.
Though not being able to perform has been soul destroying, I’m also grateful for the time this year has opened up for me to learn about the racial and social injustices in this country and the world, listen to the experiences of people different from myself and work towards being a better ally to all those who are oppressed.
Hardship can bring compassion if we let it, so I am grateful for that too.
Sending love to everyone today, and hoping you can share your love with your nearest and dearest, even if it’s not in person. 💗
Here are some images from the first shoot I’ve done in months, with wonderful Glitz Entertainment.
Creativity in 2020
I don’t think I ever imagined I’d live through a time like this. Few of us did, I’m sure.
Though I have always found solace in art and fantasy, and have always seen great value in providing beauty and escapism through the fantasy I create, it’s becoming harder and harder for me to accept those of us who seem determined to turn a blind eye to what is happening to the world at the moment.
It’s been very hard for me to reconcile the fact that what I do is seen as ‘apolitical’ by so many, and that a lot of my followers express disgust and animosity towards me expressing political opinions publicly.
Though the world I create and inhabit trades in glamour, beauty and fantasy I do not see a disconnect. For a woman to freely express her sexuality and sensuality in a society that still condemns us for doing so, and to use that aesthetic identity to inspire and empower those who appreciate it is not an apolitical act. I revel in, take pride in and monetize my sexuality - something the status quo is determined for women NOT to do. I have lived my entire life as a freelance artist trading in my image and personality.
If you are here because you think I’m something pretty and nothing more, you’ve not been paying attention.
If you don’t understand why people like me are terrified by what is happening to this country (and the world), I urge you to look at the life you have led and ask yourself if things might have been different for you if you weren’t... white and male, for example. Privilege doesn’t mean your life has been easy, but it does mean there are a whole bunch of things that are really hard for other people which you’ve probably never even had to think about, let alone worry about. It’s not that hard to understand, and if reading this pisses you off I honestly don’t give a fuck anymore.
If the majority of us don’t start caring about other people and making choices that are good for society - not just ourselves and our bank accounts - we will all go down in flames.
With these thoughts at the forefront of my mind, I was so very grateful to have the chance to collaborate with Tosca Cyr on this video art piece in collaboration with Dadass Films and Scott Hove shot at Cakeland LA - a time capsule of 2020.
It was the highlight of my year to get to work with this wonderful group of people to strive to create something positive out of such a terrifying year. 💗
Brian Newman After Dark

I’ve just spent four magical nights in Las Vegas after being invited to perform with Brian Newman at his After Dark residency at The NoMad!
Performing with a live band is one of my absolute favorite things, and I do not exaggerate when I say this band is the best I have ever worked with. It was an absolute privilege to share the stage with them and create that special kind of ephemeral stage magic that only live music can bring.
I am still processing last night... it has to have been one of the best of my life. Getting to perform with Brian in After Dark these past two nights (and watch the show for two nights too with fellow performer and friend Raquel Reed!) has been beyond an honor and I feel so lucky to have been invited to be a part of it.
At the final show of the run last night I performed two acts with the legendary Lady Gaga right there in the audience and watched her take the stage with Brian and bring the house down! Watching her sing with the band backstage and talking to her about burlesque at the bar at 5am and hugging are memories I will cherish always. Thank you so much for having me Brian, to the whole band and cast for being so talented and wonderful to work with and and thank you Park MGM for hosting us!
Nocturne at Faena Miami

There is something I love so deeply about tropical and subtropical environments. Perhaps it’s because I’m from England which is so temperate… I often hear people in California say they ‘miss the seasons’ but I personally feel living in a place that feels like perpetual Spring and Summer is as close to paradise as I can get! Maybe I just had enough dark, rainy Autumn and Winter for a lifetime growing up in the UK.
Anyway - the lush, wild abundance of the tropics always thrills me, triffid like plant life springing up from every surface, lizards and bugs perpetually peeping… That heady humidity makes me feel extra alive somehow, and the color all around - ahh! There aren’t enough words for it.
So, naturally I was thrilled to be invited to perform at Faena in Miami’s South Beach - a tropical paradise if ever there was one. Quixotic Fusion host a show at the Faena theatre and brought me in to guest at their late night ‘Nocturne’ party.
Faena is one of the most glamorous hotels I’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting, dripping in the most opulent decor which manages to perfectly meld full baroque kitsch, old Hollywood glamour and sleek contemporary luxury, all while staying true to that distinctive Miami Deco style. I fell in love with the animal print themed dining room (very Tony Duquette) and indoor outdoor cocktail bar festooned with real shells and crustacean murals. And the Saxony Bar has to be one of the most beautiful bars I have ever visited. It felt almost like a jungle themed version of London’s iconic Rivoli Bar at the Ritz.
And the theatre itself…? What a jewel. A marvel of luxurious deep reds and golds, lovingly recreating a classic Art Deco aesthetic. It can also boast some of the best technical capabilities of any theatre I’ve had the pleasure to perform in, including a hydraulic stage that can split into multiple levels, and a rotating podium which I was delighted to use for the glitter pour finale of my act. Getting to incorporate mechanical theatrical elements into an act is such a pleasure, and can really bring extra magic into the experience for performer and audience alike. I truly hope I can work with this group again, it was such a joy!